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E-Commerce Tips: 6 Sure-fire Ways To Avoid Credit Card Fraud and Chargeback

Plastic money, in general, and particularly credit cards have changed the way we shop. The convenience, security, and sheer comfort of plastic money has left cash payments in its wake, and this has only been exacerbated by the widespread reach of the internet. Because looking at a mobile app or a webpage and hitting a… Continue reading E-Commerce Tips: 6 Sure-fire Ways To Avoid Credit Card Fraud and Chargeback

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6 Useful Productivity Tools You Can Find Online

In this day and age, internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives. We search for information online, use it for entertainment, business transactions, and meeting people, among others. However, with all of this information overload online, it’s easy for us to get distracted and unproductive when using the web. Sure, we rely… Continue reading 6 Useful Productivity Tools You Can Find Online

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