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5 Reasons why your Small Business Loan Application can get Rejected

Entrepreneurs require a large amount of capital to establish a start-up. Even when a business takes off and begins to grow, it needs extra funds to enhance its operations. There are a lot of financing options that can help entrepreneurs avail the required capital for business expansion. One of the most popular funding options is… Continue reading 5 Reasons why your Small Business Loan Application can get Rejected

Categorized as Finance

An Example of How Much Social Reach You Can Have With the Right Sponsorship Activation

Sponsorships are a form of marketing different from advertising. With advertising, you directly appeal to potential customers to purchase your product. Sponsoring, however, involves paying to support an event or activity your target customers are interested in. A business needs to ensure that they sponsor something that relates to the kind of people likely to… Continue reading An Example of How Much Social Reach You Can Have With the Right Sponsorship Activation

How Time & Attendance Software can help Business Owners and their Employees:

What is time & attendance software? At the lowest resolution time and attendance software is a system that requires employees to manually clock in and out of shifts. Businesses use it, so they can optimize the hours their employees work and pay them more accurately. Is it micromanaging? It is reasonable to assume requiring workers… Continue reading How Time & Attendance Software can help Business Owners and their Employees:

Categorized as Business

How Business Owners Can Spread Holiday Cheer Without Breaking The Bank

In the modern workforce many companies leverage remote employees and virtual offices to conduct business across their organization. Getting people together for an office party becomes nearly impossible when your employees are sometimes located halfway around the world. The traditional office party can get a bad rap depending who you ask; maybe it’s overdone or… Continue reading How Business Owners Can Spread Holiday Cheer Without Breaking The Bank

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