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Why Study Online?

Not that long ago, getting a college education meant going to a campus and living there throughout the course of your study. The idea of getting a liberal arts degree online has taken a while to become reality, but today it’s not only possible: In many ways, it is preferable. Lower costs 
This is probably… Continue reading Why Study Online?

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4 Tips for Better Collaboration with Remote Employees

The population of remote workers is growing rapidly. A Gallup poll showed that 43 percent of employees worked remotely at least part of the time. It’s extremely convenient to work from the comfort of your own home without a traffic-laden commute. However, many leaders of remote teams struggle with collaboration. It’s a difficult task to… Continue reading 4 Tips for Better Collaboration with Remote Employees

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How Time & Attendance Software can help Business Owners and their Employees:

What is time & attendance software? At the lowest resolution time and attendance software is a system that requires employees to manually clock in and out of shifts. Businesses use it, so they can optimize the hours their employees work and pay them more accurately. Is it micromanaging? It is reasonable to assume requiring workers… Continue reading How Time & Attendance Software can help Business Owners and their Employees:

Categorized as Business

The ECB is Poised to Unwind QE

There are several upcoming economic and monetary policy events that will take place next week, including both the ECB monetary policy meeting and the Federal Reserve FOMC meeting.  While the Fed is expected to increase rates and continue a path to normalization, the ECB is expected to begin to phase out its quantitative easing program.… Continue reading The ECB is Poised to Unwind QE

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