Whatsapp Tips and Tricks

Whatsapp Tips and Tricks

Everybody has a smartphone these days and is mainly making use of it for WhatsApp and Facebook, along with its added features that make the heart slip a gloom!  Everyone’s addicted to the app on a daily basis. Eyes remain stuck to their phones screen for hours or the rgular interval check, just because of WhatsApp with the “Pop-up Notification on”.

In today’s date, WhatsApp is one integral part of everyone’s life around. WhatsApp has reached a sum total of 800 million users, with an average of around 35 billion messages which are shared per day. Who uses instant messaging these day by the telecom operators? Almost no one, so Whatsapp has created its own empire.

Facts about Whatsapp: Here we have stated a few facts and small little news about WhatsApp, Happy Reading!

  1. WhatsApp came into existence in 2009 by the former Yahoo! Employees. They were Mr. Jan Koum who was the face behind the basic idea and interface which was afterwards joined by Mr. Brian Acton. They tried tohough, to get themselves recruited into Facebook but were eventually turned down and tweeted about the same, and that lead them to the creation of such a messaging giant which now overrules the power of Facebook.
  2. Mixed kind of feeling it was to hear somehow, when Facebook went on to purchase WhatsApp in 2014 for a whooping sum of $19 billion but anyways it was a great Deal.
  3. The company manages a whole of fifty five staff members, of which a sum of about thirty two are engineers. Each staff member is held to be responsible for twenty two million users.
  4. Once the App was all set for release, and even after uts release not a single penny was spent for promotions. Yet WhatsApp has currently earned so much popularity.
  5. Did you know this? WhatsApp processes messages four times the number of human being on the planet.
  6. Co-founder Brian Acton has put it up as: “No Ads! No Games! No Gimmicks!” This is to indicate the workability of the App in its proper form even after the acquisition of facebook over the same.
  7. How about the WhatsApp blue? That’s one amazing heck of a feature to keep a check on people around. You can claim others to have read the message, and yet not have replied.

This is how the ticks work : Single grey tick means the message has been sent. Double grey tick implies message arrived. The double blue tick is actually indicative of the message being read.

How about the WhatsApp Web that chrome has to offer? Pretty much convenient that us, isn’t it? Work in one tab, and you can open the chats on the other.

And then comes the voice calling feature we have seen in WhatsApp. Its all fresh and new, and is surely the hot favourite for all the new users around.

Obviously everyone has been unsure of whether or not Facebook will let WhatsApp continue with its very natural essence. And it has promised us to do the much for its users.

A spokesperson for WhatsApp, from refrences has made it very much clear that letting Facebook overtake them did not mean that it will lose its original charm. It is always remain the same, no matter how much time gets through. The principles and standard is to remain the same. Their goals and schemes are to remain the same, and their quality is never going to be compromised upon.

WhatsApp remains the love of every phone addict, specially for the Status for Whatsapp So here we bid adieu, and we surely will come up with more news for you, about your all time favourite, WHATSAPP. Happy WhatsApping every one!

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