Credit card processing seems kind of simple, but to be frank it ain’t! Every company needs credit card processing support system so as to be able to manage the various transactions regarding sales and purchases. Whether its a small business or a big one, usage of credit card processing system is becoming a growing need. Here are five key things that you need to keep an account of regarding credit card processing system.
1) Understand the Technical Lingo
When using a credit card processing system , one needs to be aware of the complete vocabulary associated with the transaction i.e how our money is being moved and by whom. Many a times, the smaller businesses tend to neglect such an important attribute and mostly concentrate on the set-up of the process. To avoid any oncoming issues , it is recommended to
keep the necessary know-how about what goes behind the scene.
Here are four key players in credit card processing:
Merchant Bank: The financial institution that is providing the merchant account services to organize the various business transactions and keep a track of the same. Service providers such as PayPal are aggregators that may facilitate businesses by helping in creation of merchant accounts and also process credit card transactions, nevertheless they ain’t banks .
Processor: The processor is generally a third party middle-man responsible for all the merchant bank responsibilities,facilitates the credit card transactions and also ensures the safety of business related payments and transactions.
Bank: The issuing bank is the financial institution responsible for issuing the credit cards to consumers.
Credit card brand: Brands such as Visa, Master,American Express etc.
2) Looking Out for the Appropriate Credit Card Processor
Whether your business is small or large , you ain’t restricted with fewer options,when it comes to choosing a credit card processing.
What matters is where and how a business wants to conduct it and how much streamlining is anticipated so as to make things work much easier.for instance, suppose you are a mobile business and you seek flexibility of being able to accept credit card payments , a mobile credit card processor might be the most feasible solution! Similarly, if you are an e-commerce retailer, you might consider a shared commerce point of sale system that will integrate the credit card transactions with your CRM(client relationship management) software so as to automatically process the online and offline sales data.
3) Assessing the Revenue Requirements
If your business is small, although there are many credit card processing vendors, many a times it becomes difficult to meet the vendor’s requirement, specially if your business is unable to generate enough revenue on a regular basis.There are chances that the credit card processors might even reject your application, provided your business doesn’t meet the basic demands of the processor.
4) Proper Security of Data
Regardless of your business’s size and which credit card processor you are associated with, the business itself is responsible for making sure that the vendor is undertaking proper security standards to avoid any security breach while the transactions are taking place. These standards include Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, CVV number, SSl protocols and also End to End Encryption.
Credit card merchant services – Alternative Merchant Processing