Discover MAPIC Italy

If you’re planning your year ahead in business, you’ll need to consider some of the professional events that are coming up in 2018. They give you the opportunity to fly the flag for your business, find new clients and share insights and expertise with your peers.

You need to choose events and conferences that are a good match for your business: spending the time and money to buy tickets for, travel and attend a conference that’s not actually relevant to your industry is a waste of resources you could struggle to recover from if you’re just starting out.

Today, we’re taking a look at MAPIC Italy – the Italian retail and real estate event, taking place in Milan between 23-24th May 2018. Whether you’re involved in retail, leisure, hospitality or perhaps if you run an international architecture firm and are looking to meet new clients and form new relationships, this could be the right opportunity for you.

MAPIC Italy has a huge exhibition hall, so whether your aim is to walk around and meet people or run a stand to explain your services to clients, you certainly have the space to do it. There are over 600 retailers present, with more than 1,600 individual participants so you have the audience you need to connect with people, whether you’re looking to share ideas, or directly pitch your services and solutions to potential clients.

Another way that MAPIC Italy is mitigating against the sheer impersonal size of the event is operating a unique matchmaking service. The main benefit of events like this is to help you forge relationships, whether they are with potential clients, or peers you can share ideas, insights and recommendations with. With an event on the scale of MAPIC Italy, you run the risk of not being able to find the people you can make the most valuable connections with! To get the most out of your time here, you can provide MAPIC Italy with information about your company, and what you want out of the conference, and they can match you with individuals with complementary interests, so you can make an efficient use of your two days there, and make the contacts that could change the course of your business.

Most importantly, MAPIC Italy is an international conference, which gives you the chance to meet people facing challenges like yours across the world, and cross-pollinate solutions that could make a huge difference to you every day.

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