FAQs: Behind Precision Air Flow Controls Systems

Air flow, according to engineering resources, is a measurement pertaining to the amount of air per unit of time that flow through any particular device.

Air, in this instance, is often measured by its volume or its mass. In most applications, it’s measured primarily by volume; some applications, however, require measurement by mass due to air’s gaseous nature that may cause its volume to vary in different temperatures.

Air flow may seem like a superfluous measurement system, however it’s important to those who build, construct, implement and install HVAC systems for buildings. Air flow control systems, in particular, are responsible for various thing, including: the control of moisture damage in buildings, the reduction of energy loss and ensuring that building occupants are comfortable and healthy (in regards to the air of the building).

In this article, we’re going to examine some of the most frequently asked questions about precision air flow controls systems and similar systems designed for air flow control in buildings.

Behind Precision Air Flow Controls Systems ~ Frequently Asked Questions

As mentioned, air flow controls systems in buildings is an important aspect of maintaining a building’s overall moisture and temperature control in different climates. So overlooked, that most ‘regular people’ don’t realize how important is for a building to have such a system implemented. The term precision air flow controls systems implies that such a system is designed for specific application that requires more robust and fully realized equipment to efficiently control air flow within a building.

What exactly is an air flow control system? How do they work?

Air flow in buildings, specifically building enclosures, are driven by wind pressures, stack effect and mechanical handing equipment. For further explanation:

–  Wind pressure is the pressure produced or exerted when wind blows against a surface; in this case, the surface would consist of those present inside the building enclosure.

–  Stack effect describes the movement of air into and out of any building, chimney, flue gas stacks or other containers, which results from buoyancy. Buoyancy occurs due to the different in indoor-outdoor air density, that of which results from differences in moisture and temperature.

–  Mechanical air handing equipment, as implied, is the equipment that’s used to handle the dispersal of air in a building enclosure or, in other words, fans, furnaces and the like.

What controls air flow within buildings is known as an air barrier system, an important aspect of an air flow control system that operates between the exterior and the enclosed space that helps control air flow that’s exerted between either force. Naturally, the aforementioned elements all play a role in how the system itself works.

Why are air flow control systems needed in building enclosures? What are the benefits of an air flow control system?

Air flow control systems are required in building enclosures for several reasons.

To start, an air flow control system helps control the amount of air leakages that may occur due to unrecognized gaps in insulation or other issues. This often causes a building to exert more energy than it should exert during the year.

Water vapor condensation, specifically from wintertime or summertime weather, often poses an issue for buildings, as it causes inherent moisture problems. Wintertime condensation often causes issues for building performance in colder climates. In the summer, condensation from that weather is what poses various issues in buildings present in much warmer climates. Moisture that breaks through a building enclosure can get into a building can cause issues with the humidity levels of the building, among other things.

Such uncontrolled air and moisture leakage also poses other issues for building enclosures. Air flow through those gap areas may cause exhaust gases, strange odors, mold spores, dust and even sound pollution to creep into building enclosures, specifically those that need to be significantly closed off from other places. Those issues naturally pose threats to the performance of the building and the comfort and health of the tenants.

Therefore, that’s why many buildings often have a robust air flow control system implemented to prevent those issues from compromising the integrity of the building.

Can you tell me more about precision air flow controls systems? What makes this type of air flow control system different from others?

Certain environments require a more robust air flow control system. That usually includes the likes of healthcare facilities, laboratories and the like. In order to address the special needs of these facilities, these systems are often designed to deliver precise air flow control mechanisms, hence the term precision air flow controls systems.

Many precision air flow controls systems are known for their accurate, stable and fast response in terms of daily operation. They also typically have low maintenance requirements, meaning that building operators don’t have to worry about scheduling on a regular basis to keep the system running properly. Modern precision air flow controls systems also have patented technologies behind them to ensure they’re qualified to effectively reduce energy in various types of buildings.

To express how efficiently these air flow control systems work, note that they’re often found in hospitals and lab spaces. They’re important in these settings because they help control the air flow within enclosed spaces in the buildings, which helps limit the spread of infection, diseases and other forms of contamination.

When observed in that way, you can say that precision air flow controls systems are primarily used in spaces that are critical for conducting operations related to life and safety. The components and equipment used in various precision air flow controls systems help control room pressurization and, eventually, humidity and temperature in building enclosures for maximum comfort.

As you can see, robust precision air flow controls systems are essential for modern buildings for various reasons. Most importantly, precision air flow controls systems keep critical environments from incurring issues from fluctuating temperatures and humidity.

Given the nature of the climate in this country, it’s important for any critical environment to have system that controls air flow in and out of its building enclosure in order to efficiently maintain its temperature and humidity.

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