Social Media Marketing For Business

The Pros and Cons Of Buying Facebook Likes

The theme of social networks is in vogue. Everyone today talks and wants to be part of the main online social communities such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Hi5, Digg, Linkedin, YouTube, among many other options. In the field of Internet, social networks are websites that allow people to connect with friends and even make new friends, to share content, interact and create communities of similar interests: labor, specialties, politics, books, games, friendship, and relationships, among other topics.

People, therefore the teams and consequently businesses are realizing that social networks have become a medium of choice for promoting products and services. However, for many who have tried it, the effort was fruitless. The good news is that social media marketing is feasible and profitable, the bad is that we do the job with effort and dedication. If we want to take advantage of the networks, it is important to know that its popularity is changing every year, in addition to be cautious because not all sites are suitable for business promotion.

The value of a website that is dynamic and popular is soaring. Now with the ability to integrate social media into your website, companies of any size can produce significant returns on investment of online campaigns. Social media optimization can help your company stand out and keep their products or services in the minds of consumers in a way that was not possible a few years ago when there were no these tools.

Do’s and Don’ts in Social Network

What many companies do not even take into consideration is that one must learn what to do and what not to do to reach customers on social platforms. Otherwise, your social media campaign may fail to work as fast as clicking the button “no follow”. Your goal should be to create an atmosphere of friendship and transparency so that customers feel comfortable. While the amount of casual interactions that allows its corporate website may be limited, the media is the perfect platform for customer service and friendly relations, giving opportunity to show clients the most personal and human side of their business.

One of the biggest mistakes that many companies make when it comes to social networking, is to implement a strategy “this is what we sell.” It is a common and easy mistake to make. The stark reality is that customers do not visit their Facebook page (or its site) to read about how great your organization. They flock to the site to find out how these products or services can benefit them. Nobody wants to go to a Facebook page to find countless advertisements for a company. The people you are looking to interact with their friends. Companies that are most successful in the area of ​​social media understand this and consciously work to maintain a friendly interaction with your customers and not just a business relationship.

More Effective Ways To Communicate

Sounds simple, but easy to forget, I’ve seen countless Twitter page with messages such as. “Our travel rates are cheaper than the competition,”  “We are now offering iced coffee” or this helps to point out things, but does not allow us to associate the message with the consumer something like “Our new iced coffee is a good way to cool down when the weather heats up or could you use a vacation right? Our value allows escape” are far more effective to create content that is crucial for the client forms.

Shoot some facts and tips that are relevant, such as: “Did you know that black unsweetened coffee has no calories” or “The Ten Attractions of Puerto Vallarta that you cannot miss. What’s your favorite?” and then your visitors will return, not only to learn about their products, but to know what interesting things there to listen. We know that nobody likes to be listening to that person who loves to talk again and again about himself (a), so treat your fans and followers as friends, not as dollar signs. Start asking questions and encourages conversation and suddenly, you have a real relationship with your customers on a personal level.

Successful Integration

Integrate social media into your online marketing campaign can be a great way to interact with your customers, but do not see this as a way to make a quick sale. Successful integration means connecting with customers to create a sense of friendship and trust, providing relevant information to help them make a decision to transform your daily life in a positive way or just expand your knowledge. If it leads to improving the financial position of your business in the long term, then we are talking about a successful social media campaign, but they cannot go directly to the results without first getting to work. Keep things in perspective and be easy to achieve an integration of social media really benefit both customers and your business.

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