1848 Capital Partners – Driving Force Behind Corporate Growth

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Ever since the subprime mortgage crisis hit the world economy way back in the year 2008, corporate houses as well as households have strive hard to ward off the ill effects of the ripples that shook world economies. As such the equity firms and the investment firms have assumed greater importance since then trying hard to mend financial instability in the households and more importantly among the business community. One such name that has been a witness to many acquisitions and has also played an instrumental role in the same is 1848 Capital Partners.

As an Investment Firm

The role of these equity firms and their importance cannot be undermined. They basically engage themselves as investment managers in making investments in companies (in their private equity sectors) that are active and operational. This is usually done by adopting a couple of business strategies that include venture capital, leveraged buyout, and growth capital. As such 1848 Capital Partners is also rightly called a “financial sponsor” in the industry.

It is a foreign company, which does not mean that it is based outside United States but it means it is based outside Florida is an LLC or a Limited Liability Company and has its base in Miami. The company earned its registration on May 1st, 2006 in the State of Florida.

Registered Agent of 1848 Capital

Nrai Services Inc. serves as the registered agent of this LLC. Referred to as resident agent or statutory agent, it receives alerts and notifications pertaining to legal proceedings, lawsuits, and summons from the court that involves Capital LLC.

Guardians of 1848 Capital

Under the effective and efficient tutelage of the Managing Member Joseph Dagrosa, the company has steered clear of all odds and emerged ahead of the other leading investment firms. He has taken active interest in various other corporate entities that includes Penguin Partners Management LLC, Pitcairn Aviation LLC, and as many as 13 other corporations. In the past, the corporate affiliations that Joseph Dagrossa was associated with include Park Hill Friends & Family II LLC and Park Hill Holdings LLC. Apart from Joseph Dagrossa, David Neithard is the managing member of 1848 Capital Partners LLC.

An Acquisition to Remember

One of the most effective acquisitions of this private equity firm has been the instance when it took over Jet Support Services, Inc or JSSI. It had co-acquired this company along with R.H Book LLC. The merger, which took place in the year 2008, witnessed an agreement that was drafted between Bob Book, the chairman of R.H Book LLC, the heads of 1848 Capital Partners and the shareholders of JSSI.

As an outcome of the acquisition, it was decided that the new owners would further enhance the brand image of the parent company and also broaden its horizon in the industry by increasing the market stake. Not only that the new owners also said that the hundreds of dedicated and sincere employees along with the loyal clients have made it possible for the company to grow and is eying to grow even further in the years to come.

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