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Why Study Online?

Not that long ago, getting a college education meant going to a campus and living there throughout the course of your study. The idea of getting a liberal arts degree online has taken a while to become reality, but today it’s not only possible: In many ways, it is preferable. Lower costs 
This is probably… Continue reading Why Study Online?

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4 Tips for Better Collaboration with Remote Employees

The population of remote workers is growing rapidly. A Gallup poll showed that 43 percent of employees worked remotely at least part of the time. It’s extremely convenient to work from the comfort of your own home without a traffic-laden commute. However, many leaders of remote teams struggle with collaboration. It’s a difficult task to… Continue reading 4 Tips for Better Collaboration with Remote Employees

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Factors to Look in While Buying Properties

Investing in properties is one particular life achievements that top practically everyone’s wish list. Whether you like a modernized metropolitan loft or a sprawling suburban house with a white picket fence, the majority of us desire to find genuine properties that feels as though it was made designed for our family. However, searching for your… Continue reading Factors to Look in While Buying Properties

The Most Expensive Transport Projects Of All Time

Progress requires high costs, monetary and otherwise. Developed countries heavily rely on their infrastructures, especially on public roads and other highways, to support their operations and economy. Thus, it only seems logical for them to invest on functioning and well-maintained transportation systems to help boost their economy. Below are the top seven most expensive transport… Continue reading The Most Expensive Transport Projects Of All Time

Categorized as Business

4 Tips To Leading A Remote Workforce Successfully

Technology has usurped the traditional workforce, truly transforming the way in which business conducts itself. The modern work environment faces a new dynamic; many businesses are working with telecommuters rather than employees in a traditional office setting. Whereas meetings were once conducted in a boardroom, technology has allowed businesses to meet in coffee shops, on… Continue reading 4 Tips To Leading A Remote Workforce Successfully

Categorized as Business

3 Basic Technologies For Successful Remote Workers

When I tell people I work remotely, I get the usual comments like, “Nice! You do not have to wear high heels and you get to sleep more because you don’t have to commute to work.” Others have been known to say, “I could never work from home. I need to be around other people.”… Continue reading 3 Basic Technologies For Successful Remote Workers

Mixed-Use Developments Are What’s Needed, According To Neilas Inc.

There’s a problem in the urban development of many major cities across North America (both in Canada and in the United States alike), and it’s an issue that’s been present for a number of decades now – this issue is urban sprawl.  Urban sprawl, or suburban sprawl, is the term that defines the expansion of… Continue reading Mixed-Use Developments Are What’s Needed, According To Neilas Inc.

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