A manual is a document that is written by experts to give information and assistance to other people. It consists of words and images that would help the readers to easily understand the flow of the work.
Manuals are found anywhere, there are hard copies on books store and they are on the internet which is usually on PDF or an eBook form. Now, you can find any kind of manual from computers, mobile phones, repairing fridges to taking care of your pets.
A manual often has different sections on it and these include:
- Cover page – This is where you’ll find the logo of the manual.
- Title page
- Copyright Page
- Preface– which contains information and documents. It also serves as a user guide for the readers to navigate the book easily.
- Body/Content Page: This is where the readers will find all the necessary information that they would need the step-by-step guide on how to use or fix a product, images of the procedure and examples. The words should be clear and easy to understand.
- Troubleshooting page: This page will provide all the problems that might occur while practicing the work flow. It should also show the solution on how to fix all the problems that are listed.
- Frequently Asked Questions Page: A manual should also have this page because there are people who ask a lot of questions. It should also cove all the ins and outs of the subject.
- Terminology page: This page is optional for manual books to have, but if the subject is confusing and has a lot of terms that people do not use every day then this page is highly recommended.
- Glossary: It is where readers can find large documents and an index.
When the manual is used for training sessions, it can help by:
- Providing the trainees a manual for reviewing.
- It helps the trainees join the training sessions and not just take down notes from the speaker.
- It becomes as a reference for the trainees.
Manuals are usually developed using the “ADDIE” model.
- A– Analysis of the training needs for the audience.
- D– Design of the training shows the sequencing of the events and tasks that should be done; it also covers the objectives of the training.
- D– Development of the materials needed for the training that should be consistent with the design.
- I– Implementation of the training itself.
- E– Evaluating the training and asking questions on how to improve it.
For a manual to be effective, it has to be:
- Easy to be read by the readers and they can easily follow the instructions.
- It has to have attractive designs so it that the readers won’t get bored.
- It needs to have illustrations to enhance the understanding of the readers.
- And lastly, the content must be useful in order for it to be a reference for the future.
When you are looking for a manual or wanting to write one, make sure to look for useful contents that the users would gain knowledge in it. Understand the audience and use the right words in www.eboookly.com.